Mother’s Day thoughts

Wishing all the mom’s out there a very happy Mother’s Day. I hope that your day is filled with love, laughter and fun.

It’s a hard one for me because my mom passed away last June. So this is the first Mother’s Day that I haven’t bought the tackiest card ever. My mom didn’t want mushy, sweet cards, No, she wanted the ones that make you laugh.

RIP Maria E Burgin June 19th 2023.

Hugs, Angela and purrs, Bunty

Pet Peeves

No, mommy did not get another pet and name it Peeve. These are the things that drive humans crazy. Most of mommy’s come from bus travel.

1st: buses that are late for no good reason. Good weather, no passengers and you are late means that you, the driver, are smoking or on your phone and wasting the passengers precious time.

2nd: smokers, especially those who smoke at bus stops and in bus shelters. There are more non-smokers than smokers so please ask before you light up. Common courtesy.

3rd: riders who do not have their pass ready, or have a lot of change to put in the fare box. This takes up valuable time.

4th: school age children and teens on the bus. They sit in the elderly/handicapped section, want off at every stop and make the bus run late Mondays through Fridays. Mommy can hardly wait until school is out for the summer and the buses stand a better chance of being on time.

5th: foul language: don’t need to hear it anywhere, especially in an enclosed environment like a bus. Let’s follow that one with loud music, don’t need to hear it, don’t want to hear it.

These are mommy’s pet peeves. She just needed to get them off her chest to make her feel better. Oh and May the 4th be with you. It’s Star Wars Day. Hugs & Purrs, Bunty

It’s May

For some strange reason, mommy sings The Lusty Month of May on May 1st. It’s from the musical Camelot. Here it is May 1st and it’s beautiful outside, cool for now, hot later today.

On the 20th mommy and people from the senior center are going to the Indianapolis Zoo for a day out. Starting the 24th, mommy will be working for the summer as a pool monitor where we live. At this point we don’t know what days and hours but we will soon.

April Musings

Here it is, the middle of April, last day to file taxes for IRS. Mommy needs ideas to help her with doing laundry. The app for smart phones doesn’t work on mommy’s smart phone (I guess her phone isn’t that smart). So she hand washes everything and lets them air dry. The drying takes a long time. She is looking into a compact, portable washing device to help out.

On the upside, her church is having a revival this week. It started last night. It is called The Best Sermon Ever. Mommy and I try to avoid anything religious or political on this page, but last night’s crowd was great and she enjoyed herself. Check out Brady Lane Church on Youtube and you can see the video for yourself.

Mommy may teach an elective class on Christmas music and how it relates to scripture later this year. Meanwhile, she is still going to the Senior Center and playing Bingo, walking, doing Tai Chi, art and chair yoga. These activities get her out, moving and enjoying life again. Starting around Memorial day through Labor day she will be part-time pool monitor and get a little fun money and a decent tan.

Hugs and purrs, Bunty

Eclipse day 2024

Well, we had an eclipse yesterday. Schools closed, people freaked out, rather anti-climatic for me. Mommy and I stayed inside and watched it get darker than normal for 3:00 in the afternoon. We did not have a total eclipse here, around 90%, still pretty cool though. No special glasses, no filters for camera, so just sat and chilled out.

The other big event in our city was the NCAA basketball tournament final game. Our local team hadn’t been there since 1980 and well they lost but gave it a good try. The bus system was having issues with traffic due to both so I am glad mommy stayed home and we watched movies and videos on youtube.

We have an instagram page: angelabutz3. Pictures of me, her cross-stitching and some of her coloring pages.

Hugs and purrs, Bunty

Mommy’s Bingo Haul

The Little Mermaid puzzle she won a couple of weeks ago, the cat wand she won last week, today she won the bar of soap in regular bingo, the puzzle in song bingo and the snacks in dice bingo (mostly for being a good sport).

Wishing one and all a happy and safe Easter holiday.

Hugs and purrs, Bunty

More artwork to share

The glued on sparkles fell off on the way home, I saved them for future use.

The cat blogosphere is mourning the loss of our beloved Jean, mother to Shoko & Tyebe. I knew she had been in declining health for some time. She and her cats were very active members of Cat Scouts. Sending hugs, purrs and prayers to Bill and her cats.

Bunty and mom, Angela

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Yes, I know it’s not until next weekend but Mommy will be busy and might forget so here is a little artwork for you as done by mommy.

Mommy had a scare

Lat Tuesday night mommy’s heart was beating very hard and fast and she was really scared and anxious. She called 911 and an ambulance came and took her to the ER for help. Her blood pressure was really high. The people there took good care of her and helped her with a little medicine and sent her home via a cab since it was late and no buses ran at that time.

She did go to the doctor on Thursday for follow-up and some words of wisdom. She sees her regular doctor tomorrow morning. Mommy thinks it could be because she is lonely and needs something to do to feel useful and needed. She hates just sitting around the apartment and watching tv to fill the hours of the day.

This is a painting she did last night at church. It’s about home. Our home is in Lafayette, IN.

Hugs and purrs, Bunty

A couple of cute pictures

Previous Older Entries

Follow Musings of a Senior Kitty & Baby Bunty on
TWO Spoiled Cats

Angel Sammy and Teddy Make TWO



A Quilting Cozy Series - Carol Dean Jones

A cozy mystery series - a lively retirement community

The Alchemist's Studio

Raku pottery, vases, and gifts



Daily adventures of living with a bunch of cats


life in the not-so-fast lane

Joan Elliott

Design and Illustration

The Canadian Cats

Meezers At Large

Service Cats U.S.

The Lives and Training of Service Cats